5 Tips To Get Your Landscaping Back In Shape After A Heavy Storm

Posted on: 21 May 2015

After a heavy storm with rain and high winds, it's important that you assess your landscaping and determine how severe any damage is. Even if the impact of the storm seems minimal, you may find that some trees and other plants have been damaged upon a closer look. In order to get your landscaped yard back in great shape, consider the following five tips. 1. Tackle Cleanup As Soon As Possible
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Recovering An Extremely Damaged Tree

Posted on: 20 May 2015

Whether there's been an earthquake, fire, flood or another natural disaster, one consequence is often damage to your trees. It can be difficult to figure out what to do in this situation -- do you just cut down the tree? Do you leave it alone to grow? It's usually best to try to recover the tree if you can rather than simply letting nature take its course. A dead tree can be incredibly dangerous, and trees can often bounce back from serious damage.
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Cut Out Canker Disease With Proper Pruning

Posted on: 18 May 2015

Canker disease can cause tree decline, but in most cases it begins as localized areas of disease affecting single tree branches. The fungi that cause canker disease may be due to environmental stresses or a pathogen, depending on the host. You can keep a watchful eye for canker disease in your trees and prune out affected branches before more serious tree health problems set in. Canker diseases affecting the main trunk are difficult to manage, but disease affecting limbs are easy to cut off.
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Do You Have Or Want A Bristlecone Pine? Take These Steps To Plant It And Keep It Healthy

Posted on: 15 May 2015

Trees grow to be very old, but unlike people they can continue growing and being healthy for many years. The Bristlecone pine is the oldest known tree in North America at 5,062 years old in 2012, and currently still growing in California. If you have this kind of tree, it too can grow to be this old if it is cared for properly. If you do not have one, you can plant one in your yard:
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